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Top Gear: The Challenges 5 (DVD)


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Allow us to present yet another challenges bonanza crammed with volcanoes, World speed records, flying caravans, unstable Reliant Robins, jaw dropping races and cars exploding all over the place. No other programme offers so much, for so little of your I.Q.

The motorhome has been with us for many years, but Jeremy, Richard and James are convinced they can do better. As this cliff-hanger of a film proves, they really can’t.

The Making of the Car Advert
Volkswagen are renowned for making the best car ads in the world. Jeremy and James are convinced they can do better. As these hilarious but hopeless attempts for the Scirocco prove, they really can’t.

British Sports Cars
In a surprisingly poignant film, the boys fire up three British sports cars and set out on a nostalgic road trip to look at what happened to our once great sports car industry.

Cheap Saloons in Germany
A cut price road trip across Europe’s engineering heartland, involving a hairy high speed autobahn run, the industry standard Oompah Band test, and a terrifying encounter with Das German Stig.

The Dakar Car Versus the Snowmobiles
In one of the most spectacular Top Gear challenges ever, Richard, at the wheel of a fearsome Dakar car, takes on some crack Swedish snowmobile racers in a race across a ski resort.

Topsy Turvy Reliant Robins
Jeremy sets out on an epic quest to get from Sheffield to Rotherham in a Reliant Robin that likes to fall over. Loads of “A” List northerners pop up in this crashtastic film, described by Harry Enfield as “quite funny.”

The Veyron in Hyperdrive
Bugatti unveils a new Veyron designed to be the fastest production car in the entire world. Only one man can take it to the max: Captain James T. Slow.

Airport Vehicles Race
Airports are just too slow. To solve the problem, Hammond organises a grid full of airport vehicles, fills them with mad Touring Car drivers, and a race of epic anarchy ensues. Everything crashes, nothing is solved.

The Caravan Airship
James May’s “Clear The Roads of Caravans Solutions System” takes to the skies as the world’s first Caravan Airship. Marvel at this new fangled creation as it fails to stop, go, steer or fly, and then causes chaos at an international airport.

The Twingo in Belfast
Enjoy one of Jeremy’s more extreme road tests as he takes the Renault Twingo on a spin, literally, through the Belfast sewers and then tries to catch a ferry. And misses.

May’s Volcanic Adventure
A big volcano kicks off in Iceland. James May builds a car capable of tackling the fiery furnace on a journey to the centre of a piece of earth quite near the volcano.

Gravity Drop Race
Is a shonky old Beetle faster than a modern Porsche 911? Well it might be, if the Beetle’s a mile up with gravity on its side.